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Gunamoi Software

   Base64Convert - a free Base64 Encode/Decode tool.



Base64Convert is a free Base64 Encode/Decode tool in a windows GUI.  A command line version is also provided. 

Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.  Read more about Base64 encoding on Wikipedia

Base64Convert allows the user to encode (to Base64) or decode (from Base64).  The source for conversion may be a string entered or pasted into the source text box, or any file selected via the Browse button.

The 'to Base64' option produces standard Base64 encoding, with '+' and '/' characters and '=' for padding.  The 'to Base64URL' option produces standard Base64URL encoding, with '-' and '_' characters and no padding. 

The Output text box shows the result of the currently selected conversion.  The current Output box contents may be copied to the clipboard using the Copy button.  For encoding (to Base64 or to Base64URL), the output text box will contain the full encoded ASCII text.  For a decode operation (from Base64 or from Base64URL), any zero or null characters in the decoded binary data will not be included in the Output text box, or the clipboard copy. 

However, the Save File button allows the full encoded text or decoded binary data to be saved to a file, including any zero or null bytes. 

The Output String displayed on screen is limited to 10,000 characters maximum.  But there is no limit on the size of the Output Binary File. 

System Requirements:

Latest versions: Windows 7 or later, 32 bit or 64bit versions available.
Legacy version 1.7: Windows XP, 32bit only.

This is free software and is provided free of charge, 'as is' with no warranty.  No registration required.  There is no installer for this program, just unzip the executable and run it as described below. 

Download the program here.

  DOWNLOAD Base64Convert (v2.1) (Windows 32 bit) (2.76MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 6ff1ca16aed70d0e5b7824293775d9511568e899

  DOWNLOAD Base64Convert (v2.1) (Windows 64 bit) (3.11MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 3118b798e2ec731f2c276ad6b0ca453e61a49d30

Download the legacy version Base64Convert v1.7 application for Windows XP here.

  DOWNLOAD Base64Convert (v1.7) (Windows 32 bit) (3.09MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: fcfd39cb8d7d91d41ea9e433da7009cf462580ee

Installation steps:

1. Download the appropriate Base64Convert zip file from this page (see buttons above).

2. Unzip the Base64Convert executables to any location and run them directly.  There are no special install requirements. 

3. "Base64Convert.exe" is the Windows GUI executable. 

4. "Base64Convertcmd.exe" is the command line executable. 

        Usage: Base64Convertcmd [/h] [/c <num>] [/l <num>] [input file] [output file]
        /h, --help               displays this help on the command line parameters
        /c, --conversion=<num>        specify conversion type, 0=to Base64 (default),
		1=to Base64URL, 2=from Base64, 3=from Base64URL
        /l, --linelength=<num>        limit chars per line in Base64 output, 0=unlimited (default)
        /s, --segment=<num>        segment output file into smaller fixed size files, size value in MB

Sample Base64Convert Screenshot

Sample Screenshot

Please note that the exact look and feel of the program will vary on each computer depending upon the individual user's operating system and theme settings. 

Version History

Version 2.1 released August 2024:

  • Add output file segmentation option, (/s in command line version)

Version 2.0 released April 2024:

  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.9 released March 2023:

  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.8 released June 2022:

  • Fix bugs related to wxWidgets Debug Alert at program start on some non-English machines.
  • Windows XP no longer supported.
  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.7 released April 2021:

  • Minor update to latest library versions.

Version 1.6 released June 2020:

  • Added command line version Base64Convertcmd.exe for shell script/batch use.

Version 1.5 released February 2020:

  • Add status bar showing current task.
  • Save to File does not start until press Save File button.

Version 1.4 released March 2019:

  • Minor update to latest library versions.

Version 1.3 released August 2018:

  • Minor update to latest library versions.

Version 1.2 released February 2018:

  • Minor update to latest library versions.

Version 1.1 released December 2016:

  • Limit maximum number of characters displayed in Output As String to 10,000.

Version 1.0 released October 2016.

This is absolutely free software, provided ad-free and without obligations.
However, should you find it useful, and wish to show your appreciation, you may buy me a coffee via PayPal using the button below: