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   Ffmpeg Wrapper - a free windows UI for ffmpeg.

Ffmpeg Wrapper


FFmpeg is an extremely powerful, and free, command-line tool that converts audio or video formats.  FFmpeg is developed mostly on Linux, but can be compiled under most operating systems.  The latest Windows build of FFmpeg can be downloaded from ffmpeg.org

While FFmpeg is quite usable in Windows from a command line, or within a batch (*.bat) script file, it can be tedious to type in extended folder and file names if you intend to convert a lot of files.  Ffmpeg Wrapper provides a simple to use windows GUI interface to the main ffmpeg tool, with the ability to select multiple input files to be converted. 

System Requirements:

Latest versions: Windows 7 or later, 32 bit or 64bit versions available.
Legacy version 2.0: Windows XP, 32bit only.

This is free software and is provided free of charge, 'as is' with no warranty.  No registration required.  There is no installer for this program, just unzip the executable and run it as described below. 

Download the program here.

  DOWNLOAD Ffmpeg Wrapper (v2.3) (Windows 32 bit) (1.38MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: abfcdddefbbaf5e4951827269cea3120396dfd1e

  DOWNLOAD Ffmpeg Wrapper (v2.3) (Windows 64 bit) (1.55MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 7bd49eae6eec9403ab264a5244b62a1f2ff6d3a9

Download the legacy version Ffmpeg Wrapper v2.0 application for Windows XP here.

  DOWNLOAD Ffmpeg Wrapper (v2.0) (Windows 32 bit) (1.56MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 851d9d721e9f3e1b645e9c15c922495372b144ce

Installation steps:

1. Download and install the latest FFmpeg windows build from ffmpeg.org

2. Download the appropriate Ffmpeg Wrapper zip file from this page (see buttons above).

3. Either place the unzipped the Ffmpeg Wrapper executable into the "ffmpeg\bin" folder with "ffmpeg.exe", OR ELSE unzip Ffmpeg Wrapper to your video folder and ensure that the "ffmpeg\bin" program folder is included in your PATH environment variable.

Sample Ffmpeg Wrapper Screenshot

Sample Screenshot

Please note that the exact look and feel of the program will vary on each computer depending upon the individual user's operating system and theme settings. 

Using Ffmpeg Wrapper:

1. Start the Ffmpeg Wrapper executable.

2. Browse and select the input files.  Multiple files from the one folder may be selected. 

3. Browse and select a folder for the output files.  You can make a new folder if desired. 

4. Select the process type: (a) Convert multiple separate files; (b) Combine multiple input files to one output file; (c) Cut a specified time segment from multiple separate files.

5. Enter an output file suffix and extension.  Output files will have the same names as the input files, but with your specified suffix and extension added at the end.  For example, changing a file from ".mkv" to ".mp4", type ".mp4" for the output suffix & extension.  Or for example, if converting an ".mp4" to another ".mp4" with different encoding, you might want to enter an output suffix & extension like "-new.mp4".

6. Most importantly, you must enter the command line switches for the FFmpeg command.  Some simple and commonly used switch options are built-in to the program, and provided via a drop down menu.  And the user may also add their own favourite command line options into a separate text file "commandlines.txt" placed in the same folder as the ffmpegWrapper exe file, and these will appear as extra options in the drop down list.  For full use of the extensive features of FFmpeg, the user is recommended to become familiar with the various command line options.
Ffmpeg Wrapper of course takes care of the basic switches, such as "-i" for the input file name, and "-o" for the output file name, but the user will need to specify other switches relating to video or audio codecs and processing.  For example, "-vcodec libx264" to convert the video to the H264 codec, or "-vcodec copy" to copy the video without recoding.  In addition to the command line options link above, there are numerous other forums online that describe how to achieve different effects using ffmpeg.

7. When the user clicks 'Execute', FFmpeg will be started via a command line prompt in a console window.  The progress of the FFmpeg conversion can be viewed in the console window, until completion, at which point control returns to Ffmpeg Wrapper.  Each file in the input list will be processed, one after another, each in a separate console window.  The user may cancel the process at any time by closing the current console window.  If desired, a check box is provided to hide the ffmpeg console windows during execution.  By default a notification message will appear after each video file is processed.  A check box is provided to disable per-file notifications if they are not desired.

8. If the user clicks the 'Create Batch File' button, instead of executing the file conversions immediately, a batch script file will be created for later use or manual editing. 

Version History

Version 2.3 released April 2024:

  • Wider text box to display long command lines.
  • If user chooses 'hide console windows' then display any ffmpeg error messages in a message dialog instead.
  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 2.2 released April 2023:

  • Fix to ignore case when sort files for concatenate.
  • Option to Append command-line to existing batch file, instead of just create new batch file.
  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 2.1 released June 2022:

  • Fix bugs related to wxWidgets Debug Alert at program start on some non-English machines.
  • Windows XP no longer supported.
  • Fix bug where program stops if user entered invalid time segment, but reports success.  Improved error checking on segment start time/end time.
  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 2.0 released April 2021:

  • Add "Create Batch File" button to save ffmpeg command lines to a batch script file.
  • Add check box to hide ffmpeg console windows while executing.
  • Add check box to disable notifications after every file converted.
  • Add "Keep All" option to number output files when output file of same name already found.

Version 1.10 released February 2020:

  • Fixed bug with notifications and persistent taskbar icon.

Version 1.9 released February 2020:

  • New button to "Use current Input folder" as the output folder for conversions.

Version 1.8 released August 2019:

  • Additional error checking and reporting before ffmpeg runs.

Version 1.7 released March 2019:

  • "Input Files:" section header now updates to indicate number of files currently selected.

Version 1.6 released May 2018:

  • Fix bug where "Keep input file last modified date and time" option did not work when concatenating.
  • Additional error checking and reporting.

Version 1.5 released April 2018:

  • Fix concatenate option now uses ffmpeg "concat demuxer" method rather than "concat protocol".
  • Add check before overwrite files.

Version 1.4 released March 2018:

  • Add option to keep last modified date/time from input file.
  • User may now place a text file "commandlines.txt" in the same folder as the ffmpegWrapper exe file, which provides an additional list of command line switch options for inclusion on the drop down list.
  • Add option to display ffmpeg help documentation from default ffmpeg folder (if found).
  • Fix segment Start Time and End Time are now always relative to the input file.

Version 1.3 released February 2018.

  • Added concatenate option, where all of the selected input files can be merged into one output file in alphabetic order. Ensure the files are appropriately named or numbered to use this option.
  • Added option to copy only a specified time segment of the input file.

Version 1.2 released October 2016.

Version 1.1 released July 2016.

Version 1.0 released June 2016.

This is absolutely free software, provided ad-free and without obligations.
However, should you find it useful, and wish to show your appreciation, you may buy me a coffee via PayPal using the button below: